Saturday, November 04, 2023

Notecase Pro v4.7.6 desktop edition release

Notecase Pro v4.7.6 desktop edition has just been released.
Downloads are now available at

Notable changes in this release:
- two new Lua methods to get/set note text wrapping: Nc_App_LineWrap_Get, Nc_App_LineWrap_Set
- load help file on first start
- bundled zlib library updated to latest version 1.3
- new builds for Ubuntu 23.10 and Fedora 39 (removed Fedora 36 build)
- fix: remove gstreamer libraries from Windows installer; installer size went from 180 to 53MB
- fix: when creating a hyperlink to a note in a different document, note selection dialog would show current document notes
- fix: opening encrypted file on startup would show its password window twice if the file was also part of "restore last used files" list
- fix: selecting 'Lucida Console' font on Windows returns invalid font string 'Lucida Console Semi-Condensed'
- fix: possible NoteCase Pro (client) crash when syncing document with note custom property changes
- fix: drastically faster comparison of two documents in sync server (~40x on a test .ncdb document)
- fix: use 8x bigger buffer for faster transport when synchronizing files (initial document upload is now >100x faster)
- fix: CSS dropdown widget in "File > Export" window (for HTML export) does not show selected text in GTK3.x builds
- fix: possible loss of font formatting on note contents copy/paste

For detailed change list see help file or:

I am trying to find out how many people use audio recording/playing within NoteCase Pro. If you use any of these, please ping me.

The reason is that I would like to deprecate (and eventually remove) this feature if it is not used by the users too much. GStreamer library had a major interface changes between versions 0.1 and 1.0 and it is hard to support both versions, also it doesn't seem to work as nice on a number of platforms including Windows (Mingw) and it increases installer size by 120MB (compressed) or 700MB on disk (uncompressed).